5th Annual Customer Appreciation & Awards Party...The Texas Jam event, was an unprecedented success
Although this was not our first event, The Texas Jam was a huge success! We had a great turnout, and we’ve heard nothing but rave reviews and excitement for our next event.
Customer Appreciation & Awards Party

The event was kicked off with the 5th Annual Customer Appreciation & Awards Party with DJ Boomerang playing the music. He is also the keynote speaker for this event that is dinner, dancing and awards, with speeches that come from the heart. “I start working on the speeches each year approximately September 1st and I tweak or perfect them up until a few days before the event,” says Isha. The awards never fail to surprise the recipients for the quality and attention to details.

Officer Jon Plunkett, from the Irving, TX police department held a police interaction workshop and Q and A session, which inspired a very passionate discussion on police community relations within the African-American community. This was the first of it’s kind at a line-dancing event and was universally praised nationwide. The workshop on mental health and depression was also incredibly ardent with vital information being delivered.

Health Screening

The health screenings were another unique way to engage the community in ensuring proactive health initiatives.

We were able to raffle off great prizes to the attendees based on the participation of our sponsors. We want to say a huge thank you for all the donations and volunteers that made this event a success. We’re looking forward to next Texas Jam (the weekend of June 24-26, 2022) already.