Marlo “Go-Getta” Hutchinson recently added a new title to her name…DJ. Mostly born out of necessity, Go-Getta has been creating remixes, and has added her “DJ Go-Getta” persona to the soul line dancing world. “DJ’ing for us derived from a need to either have remixes of the music we created dances to, and because we didn’t want to rely on anyone, we ended up learning and creating our own remixes,” says Go-Getta.
In 2021, Go-Getta quietly began creating remixes, but the big challenge came in 2022 with the song “Good Man” by Rod Lee. Following that success, she debuted the ‘Go-Getta’s Groove’ remix, and the ‘Big Girls Rock’ remix, at The Texas Jam, and received acclaim from the top DJ’s in the industry.